CIC (Centre for Ice and Climate) foretager sig hvert år boringer dybt ned i den grønlandske indlands is. Iskerner fra 3000 meters dybde bliver bragt til Danmark for at blive analyseret.
Når dette er interessant, er det blandt andet fordi isen indeholder små gasbobler fra en tidligere atmosfære som er total uspoleret. Disse gasser kan derved fortælle om klimaændringer igennem mange mange år.
Et af instrumenterne er denne gas ekstraktionsmaskine.
Se Gas ekstraktionsmaskinen præsenteret i Venedig 2008 - EPICA
Description ;
Extraction of air trapped in ice bubbles for the analysis of the past atmosphere:
Different techniques exist to release the air from the ice. Depending on the gas to be measured either a wet or dry extraction technique is applied. This is due to possible measurement artifacts such as contamination from in-situ production (i.e. the production of the analyzed gas in the set-up). As an example is CO2 produced in the liquid water phase by chemical reactions of e.g. dissolved organic material which is part of the chemical impurities contained in the ice. A dry extraction technique where the sample vessel is cooled and the solid ice cube is crushed into small pieces to open the bubbles is thus preferable for CO2 measurements (‘ice cracker’). For other gases like CH4 or N2O the ice sample can be melted (and refrozen) to release the air. This technique is called wet extraction.